Wesport is a registered charity and although recieves some government grant funding can increase its work with kind donations from businesses and individuals
Detailed Description
In order to support the work of Wesport and its partners we would value contributions from business and individuals to a number of our projects as follows:
Wesport Athlete Legacy Fund - Wesport has set up a fund with Quartet Community Foundation to pool resources to support our Springboard project which aims to provide grants and services to athletes in the West of England with potential to succeed at elite level.
Wesport Grassroots Grant fund - A second Quartet fund set up by Wesport is to support projects aimed at raising participation in sport and physical activity over the longer term. Contributions go into an endowment fund where income from this fund is used to support eligible projects. Special Note: Due to the need to increase this newly set up endowment fund, income is not being distributed at this time.
Wesport Breakthrough - Breakthrough is a project operating accross the West of England to provide mentoring to individuals such as young people in and leaving care, youth offenders, young people at risk of exclusion from education and those with mental health issues using sport and culture as a means of engagement.
West of England Sport Trust - Underpining all of our work is the provision of a central core team who bring expertise to all projects including workforce and organisational development, coaching, inclusion and youth sport. In order to continue to develop and improve these projects the core team continues to require resources to provide this hub of services and maintain communication to partners and help to evolve the sport and physical activity infrastructure in the West of England. Your contribution to the Wesport Core activities would prove invaluable in develoing the charity and continuing to Inspire People, Empower Organisations and Create Opportunies through Sport and Physicial Activity.
To donate who our Online System please follow the steps below:
- Enter the amount you wish to donate
- Answer the question that follow (If you and/or your organisation wish to remain anonymous please leave the the relevant questions blank)
- You will receive an email thanking you for your donation.
By buying this course I understand that my personal data will be processed securely by UWE and Wesport for the sole purpose of processing & fulfilling my order, in line with the Wesport Privacy Notice http://www.wesport.org.uk/privacy-notice/