WesportThe West of England Sport Trust (Wesport) works as a network of organisations in the West of England to promote lifelong participation in sport and physical activity. It has over 50 member organisations from local authorities to Higher Education/Further Education establishments, National Governing Bodies of Sport, and the School Sports Partnerships. The core teams’ main aim is to work to strengthen this network and improve the quality and quantity of opportunities for our communities to engage in sport and physical activity. Key areas of work include the development of sporting competition in schools, development of the workforce and delivery of national sport and physical activity initiatives. Wesport provides courses for clubs, coaches and members of the professional network. These courses are designed to up skill the sporting workforce. With a better level of knowledge and understanding we will hope this will lead to a more positive and enjoyable experience for those participating.
UWE Bristol, Frenchay Campus, Coldharbour Lane, Bristol BS16 1QY. Telephone: +44 (0)117 9656261. Email: infopoint@uwe.ac.uk.