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International Association for Soical Science Information Service and Technology (IASSIST)



(IASSIST) International Association for Social Science Information Service and Technology


IASSIST is an international organisation of professionals working in and with information technology and data services to support research and teaching in the social sciences and beyond.

This year's event will be held between June 03 to June 06 in Bristol, UK, at the Mercure Bristol Grand Hotel, and hosted by the University of the West of England.

The conference rate includes an arrival drinks reception on 03 June at Bristol Museum and Art Gallery; poster board reception at the main venue on 04 June; Conference Dinner at 'We the Curious', 05 June as well as attendance as a day delegate to the conference proper.

More information about the IASSIST Conference and getting to Bristol can be found on our website.

Rates do not include travel or accommodation. 


Full information on the workshops here.

You can choose to add Tuesday workshops to your registration while booking for the main conference or book into them at a later date. Spaces are limited so it's advisable that if there's a workshop you're keen on attending to book onto it as soon as possible.

Attendee CategoryCost   
Early Bird IASSIST Member£360.00[Read More]
Early Bird Non-member£410.00[Read More]
Workshop #1: Bridging Design and Accessibility: Creating FAIR and Inclusive Visualizations£50.00[Read More]
Workshop #2: Teaching Qualitative Data Analysis using Open Data, Standards, and Tools£50.00[Read More]
Workshop #3: AI-enabled data best practices for metadata discovery and access£50.00[Read More]
Workshop #4: Learn how to create synthetic data£50.00[Read More]
Workshop #5: Embedding sensitive data management best practice in institutional workflows£50.00[Read More]
Workshop #6: The Art of Transcription: Using open-source tools to optimize transcription processes£50.00[Read More]
Workshop #7: Fundamentals of MAST & IDEAL Metadata£50.00[Read More]
Workshop #8: An intro to Census data with R Using£50.00[Read More]